Saturday, February 11, 2006

A Dozen Red Roses....

...are sitting on my desk. They are to me, from me, in honor of Valentines Day, but they are not FOR me.

They are for the following:

...for those who love me now and have always loved me.

...for those who love me now who met me along their way.

...for those who loved me who don't any longer.

...for those who I loved whom I don't any longer.

...for those who I have loved who failed me.

...for those who I have loved whom I failed.

...for those who I tried to love who wouldn't let me.

...for those who tried to love me whom I wouldn't let do so.

...for those who I loved who didn't appreciate who I am and what I could be.

...for those who I loved who loved me for what I am and helped me reach for what I could be.

...for those from whom I had to walk away, loving them or not.

...for every single one of them who broke my heart.

Love isn't really about you. You shouldn't be looking for someone to love you. You should be looking for someone to love.

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