So, I'm driving along, and I end up stopped at a light near a local supermarket. As I'm waiting for the signal to proceed, I notice a woman in a faux-jeep-like car creep up next to me in the turning lane to the left. The light turned green, and since she was well behind me, I went ahead.
And she beeped at me.
Then, as a line of us are approaching a turn onto a nearby highway, she speeds up alongside me to the right, quickly puts on her turn signal, and swerves into my lane in the narrow space between the car in front of me and I. To add insult to injury, she waved at me in a casual "na-na-na-poo-poo" way in her rear view mirror.
What the hell was that?!
Note: I apologize for suddenly monitoring comments. Last month, someone visited my blog multiple times and left ads on about 10 of my posts. I don't intend to delete comments unless you're trying to sell me something.
We'll have fewer driving problems once we can drive in the air like the Jetsons!
Also, I wanted to get back to you re: your question about Kindles. I, too, am a book purist; but I'm enjoying my Kindle a lot. It remembers what page I left off, it "feels" like a book in many respects, and it is compact and easy prop up and read in bed. I still buy books in their regular form, but it's nice to have a Kindle too. :)
She's obviously a bitter angry person taking it out on your. If there wasn't weirdos with road rage I would start laughing at her.
Sounds like faux-jeep-lady has a few issues, hey!
Hope she didn't ruin your day.
People like that drive me nutty. And what bothers me more is that I let people like that bother me.
I seem to get more and more "Add Comments" on my blog too. I finally ended allowing anonymous comments. I may have to monitor them as well, but I don't want to.
And I thought Texans were bad drivers.
Life can be hard enough without this petty nonsense !
Best wishes for 2010.
I hate other drivers. They're the worst. People in this god-forsaken state are always doing that stupid cutting off thing. And then they try to race when their lane ends and they need to merge. I like Lynn's thoughts about the flying cars. Seriously, it's 2010 already.
Omg people are such IDIOTS on the road sometimes, it amazes me.
It's sad, actually. When I worry about getting in an accident on the highway or even regular roads, I'm always concerned about other drivers, not myself. Some people should NOT have a driver's license. And it's so easy for those people to get road rage too because they don't see other cars as having people in them. They just see faceless machines. It makes them more bold and brazen than they otherwise probably are. Sigh.
I could go on about this forever. Asshole drivers are my biggest pet peeve...
On a happier note, I hope you're having a lovely week. You truly deserve it after putting up with such nonsense! ;)
While I don't know this other female driver, I would guess that she is just unhappy for one these reasons:
1. The spark has left the relationship with her LT partner...probably because he is secretly seeing someone younger and more attractive.
2. She needs to eat more Activia yogurt.
3. She can't afford a real Jeep, just an less-cool faux imitation.
Here's more on People + Cars:
When I encounter just such as @sshole driver, I try to tell myself that Karma will surely take care of it. Right? Right? Please tell me that Karma takes care of such insults.
I hate dick drivers.
I have intense road rage when it comes to dick drivers.
Hmmm....rash drivers are a problem everywhere.
I kind of like thinking how those drivers go home/to the office and complain about OTHER drivers. Self awareness being in short supply, I guess.
How do these people pass tests?
Ahhh those pesty, insolent drivers - just hate them!
Someone leaving add is the newest trend, my blogs are literally under siege. They leave "comments" in posts as far back as two years!
Getting really tired of the practice. I recent advertinzing more than the average person I know, I am sure and it is getting increasingly more difficult to avoid/hide/refuse them...
Last, but not least greetings for the New Year, may you have a Fantabulous 2010!
We can certainly ALL related to this one, I'm sure. Some freaking people!
From your description, I'm still not entirely sure of what happened in that traffic situation and I wish you'd have included a diagram. But you always make me feel as if I'm not the only one put upon by the universe.
Here are a couple of things that bother me:
1. Some old man in the gym locker room the other day was walking around nude for a while and bending over a lot to pick things up. Then he was slamming doors and when I said, "Oh boy," he told me to shut my mouth as he walked away. I am not a fan of nude elderly men, in general, but he was not even par.
2. Watching the Superbowl with my elderly father (who is clothed, by the way). First of all, it was a clever observation A QUARTER CENTURY AGO (in 1985) that many folks watch the show simply for the ads. But after a negative comment about the first 30 ads, I would like to know if YOU were a creative and advertising executive how the f*ck YOU would sell Bud Light if that were YOUR job, since you have so many brilliant observations about these commercials. And how you gonna be so old that you think The Who is a bunch of young punks?
Yes, please, I'd like another spark of madness.
not really a good experience because it happens to me sometimes too..thanks for sharing...
had a similar experience - was absolutely hounded by sales "comments" - had choose monitoring in order to stop them, it took a while!
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